
Thursday, 16 June 2011

Big PC games of 2011

            Looks like 2011 is all the best to another big year for PC gaming. They say PC games are dead, but therefore valve ( a device for regulating flow or passage or way ) has proven time and time again with  goal of steam.The PC gaming community is glad its console and counterparts despite hard competition from next year promises to be year like no other with a kill of highly offers games.
           we have not just reached the end of year 2011, and there are yet many titles to be famous and brought to market in the coming mounts, but it is to mention in video game titles for next year, 2012.
               What are computer games?
A personal computer game is video game played on a personal computer.


Game develop is the software progress follow by which a video game is prepare. Development is a game developer,which may range from a single man to a large business man by responsible. main-stream games are normally powerful by a publisher and take many years to progress.
The first video games were prepared in 1960s, but required important computer and general public ware not available.commercial game progress began in 1970s with the welcome of first generation video console and home computer . due to low price and low qualities of computer a lone programmer could develop a full game. 
             Here are pictures which mention games developments.


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